Reducing cravings …

Just a quick note today: I happened upon something that seems to have reduced cravings yesterday. I had a late-afternoon swim, and when I got back all I wanted was water — definitely NOT anything alcoholic. So I had water and an apple. No cravings, all evening. Trying it again today!

I do find, however, that just not having any booze in the house is the best. That totally dials the cravings wwwaaaaay back.

4 thoughts on “Reducing cravings …

  1. Interesting… dehydration is a VERY strong motivator so perhaps you provided a higher priority need (water) over a lesser priority need ( alcohol) and by satisfying the priority need you shut down the craving circuitry.
    You could wipe out a big bottle of gatorade directly after strenuous dehydrating exercise…
    You are best served by drinking what is called a restoring beverage within 30 minutes after terminating exercise…. the REAL need as opposed to the felt need is most easily met in that time frame. Bioavailability is paramount with the quickest and complete the best.
    You can try a carb/protein shake available everywhere athletes train or buy supplements.
    Nutrition has REALLY revolutionized training and I do not mean steroids, EPO or the performance drugs but stuff like Branched Chain Amino Acids and so forth

    • Thanks Mike, that’s great advice! I didn’t know about 30 minutes being the optimum time, and didn’t know about refuelling with a carb/protein shake, but it makes sense.

  2. I took up playing squash again, something I used to do just before I drank too much beer. Now I play for fun and fitness, and I find that being fit helps my entire outlook. body and mind, they’re connected somehow, aren’t they? I sweat (a lot) when I play, and get very thirsty. Water seems to help that. Who would’ve thought.

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